- Level 1, 38, Currie Street. Adelaide SA 5000.
- info@solaring.com.au
We, Solaring is committed in resolving customer’s queries and complaints in a timely and efficient way possible, as every customer is valuable to us.
Solaring handles customer personal information inaccordance with Solaring’ Privacy Policy.
The objective of this procedure is:
To ensure that customer is aware of our complaint lodgement and handling processes. Complaint is being investigated impartially with a balanced view based on all information or evidence provided.
Twelve Months Limitation:
Customer complaint MUST have occurred within the 12 months preceding the date of occurrence of the events related to the complaint.
In some exceptional circumstances Solaring may grant an extension if, and only if,there are appropriate grounds to justify this including for matters that occurred more than 12months before the Complaint was lodged.
If customer wish to apply for an extension, then He/She should write on why solaring should grant this extension, including substantive evidence such as a detailed description of the reason for the delay in lodging the complaint.
However, approval will be required from the Director of the business unit for extensions to be granted.
Solaring requires the following information:
- Name
- Mobile number
- Email Address.
- The nature of the complaint, please include as much information as possible
- Remedy requested
Please note that the following details be provided to assist with your query:
- Details to support your claim which includes the breach of warranty with respect to the Components Warranty or the Installation Warranty or others, if any.
- A copy of invoice, receipt or any other document which provides proof of purchase of the installation services; and details to contact you.
Complaint Resolution process:
- Based on the provided details, Issue is identifiedin not more than 5 business days.
- Priority complaints should have subject line as “Priority Complaint” and be emailed to the admin manager.
- The admin manager will contact the customer within 24 business hours for any extra details need to resolve the complaint.
- After identifying the issue necessary action will be performed from the Solaring end. For all Solar System functioning issues, an electrician will be sent to evaluate the issue within 36-48 hours of identifying the issue.
- If the issue/complaint requires further investigation, we’ll aim to resolve it within 14 business days. And the same will also be communicated to the customer.
- Under unexpected exceptional circumstances where the complaint cannot be resolved within 14 working days, the reason for the delay will be explained to the customer and new timeline will be provided via Email or phone calls. Solaring is committed to resolve the complaint within 45 days of the receipt of the complaint.
Types of Remedies:
Remedies may include
- Refunds
- Repairs/Rework
- Replacement
- Compensation
If the above remedies are provided by Solaring – they are subject to our Terms andConditions and Warranties, that apply to the products and services that customer purchased fromSolaring, including applicable consumer guarantees and our obligations under the AustralianConsumer Law or consumer legislation in place at the time you purchased your products andservices
Customers Rights under Australian Consumer Law:
If the customer is not happy with the process and outcome of the issue, customer can contact Fair Trading SA. Any non-compliance of Solar Retailer Code of Conduct may be raised to CEC or Solaring.
- Department of Fair Trading (NSW): 13 32 20
- Department of Fair Trading (QLD): 13 74 68
- Department of Fair Trading (ACT): (02) 6207 3000
- Consumer Protection (WA): 1300 304 054
- Department of Fair Trading (SA): 13 18 82
Contact details of the respective offices are provided as below.
Solaring Office Number: 1300 787 999 / 0413997777
Email : admin@solaring.com.au
Website :http://solaring.com.au/